Digital PSAT/NMSQT Study Guide Premium, 2024: 4 Practice Tests + Comprehensive Review + Online Practice (Barron's Test Prep)
( )Barron’s Digital PSAT/NMSQT Study Guide Premium, 2024 includes everything you need to be prepared for the new digital PSAT/NMSQT on exam day with comprehensive review and practice from experienced educators.
All the Review You Need to Be Prepared
An expert overview of the new digital PSAT/NMSQT, including answers to frequently asked questions, advice on curbing test anxiety, and information about the National Merit Scholarship program
In-depth subject review covering the revised sections of the test for Reading and Writing and Math
Tips and strategies throughout from the author--an experienced tutor and test prep professional
Practice with Confidence
4 full-length practice tests--3 in the book and 1 online--including 1 diagnostic test to assess your skills and target your studying
Review chapters contain additional practice questions on each subject
All practice questions include detailed answer explanations
Online Practice
1 full-length practice test online with a timed test option to simulate the exam experience
Detailed answer explanations included with expert advice
Scoring to check your learning progress
An online vocabulary appendix for extra review
Book Description
All the Review You Need to Be Prepared
An expert overview of the new digital PSAT/NMSQT, including answers to frequently asked questions, advice on curbing test anxiety, and information about the National Merit Scholarship program
In-depth subject review covering the revised sections of the test for Reading and Writing and Math
Tips and strategies throughout from the author--an experienced tutor and test prep professional
Practice with Confidence
4 full-length practice tests--3 in the book and 1 online--including 1 diagnostic test to assess your skills and target your studying
Review chapters contain additional practice questions on each subject
All practice questions include detailed answer explanations
Online Practice
1 full-length practice test online with a timed test option to simulate the exam experience
Detailed answer explanations included with expert advice
Scoring to check your learning progress
An online vocabulary appendix for extra review
Book Detail
Book Title
Digital PSAT/NMSQT Study Guide Premium, 2024: 4...
Brian W. Stewart
Book Type
Date Published
cone adresson
Nam ut egestas nibh. Phasellus sollicitudin tempus neque quis gravida. Aenean a eros at ex pharetra suscipit. Proin iaculis ipsum ac ullamcorper pretium. Morbi ut leo eu felis commodo porta.
Mark Smith
Donec ullamcorper vulputate quam pharetra tempus. Nam mi eros, porta vitae tempus sit amet, blandit non elit. Cras aliquet massa non quam molestie facilisis. Duis sollicitudin mattis ante, sed suscipit mi blandit et.
sarena doe
Nam ut egestas nibh. Phasellus sollicitudin tempus neque quis gravida. Aenean a eros at ex pharetra suscipit. Proin iaculis ipsum ac ullamcorper pretium. Morbi ut leo eu felis commodo porta.
Donec ullamcorper vulputate quam pharetra tempus. Nam mi eros, porta vitae tempus sit amet, blandit non elit. Cras aliquet massa non quam molestie facilisis. Duis sollicitudin mattis ante, sed suscipit mi blandit et.